NICWA Champion for Native Children Award

The Champion for Native Children Award is NICWA’s highest honor, recognizing individuals and organizations making exceptional contributions to the well-being of Indigenous children, families, and communities in the United States or Canada.

Two awards are presented annually: the Champion for Native Children-Individual, awarded to an outstanding individual, and the Champion for Native Children-Organization, awarded to a tribal nation or organization demonstrating impactful work.

Submissions are now closed.

Submissions Details

Awardees will be honored at NICWA’s 43rd Annual Protecting Our Children Conference in Orlando, Florida, on April 1, 2025. See below to submit a nomination. Please specify whether you are submitting for an individual or organization. Nominations can be mailed or emailed to NICWA using the information on the form. Please direct any questions regarding the form or essay to

Nominees should be an individual or organization that has been an exceptional or emerging leader, social worker, case manager, or foster parent who has made significant contributions to the well-being of Indigenous children, families, and communities in the United States or Canada. Such contributions may consist of:

  • Demonstrated excellence, creativity, and leadership affecting positive change in tribal child welfare, children’s mental health, or juvenile justice in tribal communities;
  • Advocacy for tribal children, families, and communities;
  • Development and/or promotion of programs and policies that support tribes, children, and families;
  • Work for development of policy designed to protect Native children, enhance the well-being of Native children, or to strengthen the Indian Child Welfare Act;
  • Work to obtain funding necessary to implement programs and policies supporting Indigenous children and families; or
  • A significant body of work that spans several years up to lifelong service to promoting the well-being of Indigenous children and families and strengthening tribal sovereignty.

Recent past Champion for Native Children-Individual awardees:

Julia Taylor

Cayuse Umatilla

Karan Kolb

Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians

Cristi Heath

Choctaw Nation

Roxanne Finney

Assiniboine (Nakoda)

Cindy Blackstock

Gitxsan First Nation

Julia Bogany

Tongva Tribe

Linda Logan

Choctaw Nation

Sandy White Hawk

Sicangu Lakota

Kevin Washburn

Chickasaw Nation

Francine Eddy Jones

Taku Tlingit

Past Champion for Native Children-Organization awardees:

Salt River-Pima Maricopa

Social Services Department

Pueblo of Pojoaque

Family and Children Services

Carrier Sekani

Family Services

Your gift helps us relentlessly advocate for thriving Native children and families today—and for generations to come.

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