Our Team
Board of Directors
NICWA is a membership organization with an all-Native board of directors elected by the membership. The board meets quarterly to set the budget, policies, program plans, and advocacy direction of the organization. The board maintains several standing committees (Executive, Fundraising, Governance, Program, and Public Policy) that conduct the board’s business and provide guidance and oversight of specific areas of work.
Gil Vigil, Tesuque Pueblo
Vice President
Angela Connor, Choctaw
Alex Wesaw, Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
Aurene Martin, Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Teressa Baldwin (Inupiaq)
Kotzebue City Manager, City of Kotzebue
Justine Bautista (Northern Cheyenne)
Kitchen Assistant, Native American Youth and Family Center
Mikah Carlos (Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community)
Tribal Councilwoman, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
Patricia Carter-Goodheart (Nez Perce)
Democratic Precinct Committee Officer
Rose Domnick (Orutsararmiut Native Council)
Calricaraq Trainer/Consultant
Brad Earl (Colville descent)
Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Medford School District
Rochelle Ettawageshik (Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians)
Retired; Former Director of Native American Affairs, State of Michigan
Debra Foxcroft (Tseshaht)
Tseshaht First Nation Family & Child Services Consultant/Advisor
Charles Martin (Morongo Band of Mission Indians)
Tribal Council Chairman, Morongo Band of Mission Indians
Robert McGhee (Poarch Band of Creek Indians)
Tribal Council Vice Chairman, Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Robin Sigo (Suquamish Tribe)
Research and Strategic Development Director, Suquamish Tribe
Stephanie Weldon (Yurok Tribe)
Director, Office of Tribal Affairs, California Department of Social Services
Steven Wilson Jr. (Oglala Sioux Tribe)
Lead Male Trainer, Wahwala Iyohlogya (Peaceful Means) Violence Prevention Center
Board of Trustees
John Shagonaby (Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians)
Allard Teeple (Bay Mills Indian Community)
Victor Rocha (Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians)
Derek Valdo (Acoma Pueblo)
NICWA works hard to uphold the Indian Child Welfare Act and strengthen tribal child welfare. We collaborate with tribal and other governments, private foundations, and corporate funders, along with individual donors across the US and globally, to keep Native children and their families healthy and thriving.
Thank you to the following friends for their generous, unrestricted support.
- Ak-Chin Indian Community
- Annie E. Casey Foundation
- CARF International
- Casey Family Programs
- Chickasaw Nation
- Eaglesun
- Ford Foundation
- Henry Luce Foundation
- The Huntington National Bank
- Inatai Foundation
- McSweeny Family Foundation
- Molina Healthcare
- Morongo Band of Mission Indians
- Muckleshoot Indian Tribe
- Pechanga Band of Indians
- Poarch Band of Creek Indians
- Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe
- San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
- Seminole Tribe of Florida
- Thomson Reuters
Businesses and Corporations
- Beraten Software Corporation
- Epic Games
- FrontStream
- Gun Lake Investments
- Intel Corporation
- Kroger
- Microsoft Corporation
- Morongo Casino Resort & Spa
- Portland Trail Blazers
- Raytheon Technologies
- Salesforce
- Spirit Rock Consulting LLC
- Standard Insurance Company
- The Pokémon Company International
- The Standard
- United States Postal Service
Terry Cross Fund
- Jean Rosston
- Robert H. Bailey
Major Donors
- AJ and Mike Goins
- Alyssa Soza
- Amanda Petretti
- Anita R. Soza
- Ashley Huddleston
- Brad Earl and Mary Ferrell
- Carolyn Horsman and Rudy Rodriguez
- Charles Nearburg
- Charlotte Buck
- Connor Humphreys
- D&K Krueger Family Fund
- David E. Simmons
- David T. and Melissa H. Goslin
- Denis McCormack
- Emi Tabb
- Emily Phelps
- Fay Givens
- Florence Taitel
- Gary and Yvonne Peterson
- Gordon Reid
- Henry T. Galbraith and Margaret Wood
- Hyuny and Will Clark-Shim
- Ingrid Rosemeyer
- Jeff Bradach and Kristin Bradach
- Joanne Christensen
- John and Anita George
- John Shagonaby
- Katharine and Alan Cahn
- Katherine Sindac
- Larisa Shaterian
- The Lemerich Family Donor Advised Fund
- Leslie Walker
- Lisa Armstrong
- Lisa Williams
- Lois Spreier
- Luwanna Comstock
- Macie Lee Family Charitable Fund
- Mann Family Charitable Fund
- Maria Plaxco
- Mark S. Crawford
- Mary Adam
- Matthew Kaufmann
- Melissa Rosas
- Michael Plaster
- Philip and Charlotte Baker-Shenk
- Richard Hallock
- Ron Lemerich
- Sarah and Kristian Kastelic
- Slater-Roessel Family Fund
- Stephen Henigson
- Terry L. Cross and Kristin Thaler
- Thomas Macie
- Thomas Tremaine
- Timothy C. and Mary Lou Jacobs
- W. Ron Allen
- William K. Krueger