Our Work

For decades, NICWA has fought for Native children and families, shaping child welfare policies and practices to better serve the unique needs of Native communities.

Our work aims to ensure child welfare policies account for community strengths and culturally responsive services. We are committed to strengthening ICWA protections, promoting natural nurturing networks, and supporting the vital role tribal communities play in protecting Native children. 

Our approach integrates advocacy, education, policy, and community development, empowering us to respond to both immediate and evolving needs while building a vibrant future where each generation nurtures the next.

NICWA'S Approach

Strengthening Federal, State, and Tribal Policy

NICWA supports tribal nations, states, child welfare workers, federal policymakers, and community members in their efforts to develop and strengthen Native child welfare policy, including ICWA.

Raising Awareness and Advocacy

NICWA uses its platforms and partnerships to advocate for Native children, families, and tribal communities.

Educating with Information and Resources

NICWA provides comprehensive, timely, and high-quality information to Native families and youth and those who serve them–through reports and research and in partnership with other experts.

Promoting Culturally Grounded and Native-Led Approaches

NICWA strengthens tribal-led and community-led Native child welfare practices, including providing training and facilitating healthy relationships between tribal and non-tribal governments.

Learning Together

NICWA creates space for learning, expertise sharing, and development among the diverse audiences who shape Native child welfare.

Relational Worldview Model (Terry Cross, 1985)

The Relational Worldview Model

We ground all our work in the Relational Worldview Model, a decolonizing framework for child welfare that centers ancestral knowledge to restore the well-being of Native families and keep children safe within their communities through culturally grounded practices.

Explore NICWA’s Work

Your gift helps us relentlessly advocate for thriving Native children and families today—and for generations to come.

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