NICWA News Fall 2023

NICWA News Fall 2023

NICWA News is the quarterly newsletter for NICWA members and donors. Email to for questions about membership. For reprint requests, additional copies, or other information, contact us at

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Kinship Services in Tribal Child Welfare Policy Toolkit

Kinship Services in Tribal Child Welfare Policy Toolkit

The Kinship Services in Child Welfare Policy Toolkit, Policy Issues Overview and Guidance for Policy Language, examines issues for consideration in policies and procedures with trauma-informed policy guidance to support the development of tribally specific child welfare policy.

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Take Action! Written Comments to Both NPRMs in HHS’s Child Welfare Package are Due

Take Action: Provide Input on ICWA

The Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Department of Justice (DOJ) invite tribal leaders to in-person and virtual tribal consultations on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and federal agencies’ roles in promoting federal protections for Native children and families.

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Positive Indian Parenting 4th Edition

Positive Indian Parenting 4th Edition

Learn more about the exciting updates in our newest edition of our most popular curriculum, Positive Indian Parenting. For over 30 years, passionate, experienced, and committed NICWA trainers have traveled the country providing instruction to frontline workers to help the families in their own communities using a culturally-specific approach rooted in tradition.

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NICWA News Fall 2023

NICWA News Summer 2023

NICWA News is the quarterly newsletter for NICWA members and donors. Email to for questions about membership. For reprint requests, additional copies, or other information, contact us at

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