NICWA News Fall 2023

NICWA News Fall 2023

Quarterly Newsletter  2023 Fall NICWA News “Activating Change in Tribal Child Welfare” NICWA News is the quarterly newsletter for members and donors of the National Indian Child Welfare Association. Donate or become a member today to subscribe. Open PDF A...

Foster Care & Adoption

Foster Care and Adoption AI/AN children are overrepresented in state foster care systems. This disproportionality has increased trauma to AI/AN children, families, and communities, and has undermined efforts to improve child welfare outcomes for this population. NICWA...

Private: Children’s Mental Health

“A system of care is a spectrum of effective, community-based services and supports for children and youth with or at risk for mental health or other challenges and their families, that is organized into a coordinated network, builds meaningful partnerships with...

First Kids 1st

First Kids 1st Initiative In 2016, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation awarded the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) funding to support an initial three-year project entitled First Kids 1st. The proposal featured a partnership between NCAI and three other national...

Our Research Expertise

Our Research ExpertiseResearch has been a key part of NICWA’s work since the organization was founded. The research division is housed within the program department of NICWA. The goal of the division is that research should be in service to communities and to our...