Sinte Gleska University

Where We’ve Been September 2018 Sinte Gleska University Tiwahe Glu Kini Pi Society of Care  In August, NICWA staff, Barbara Gladue (Anishinaabe) and Adam Becenti (Diné), visited the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota to work with the Sinte Gleska...

Regulations to protect Native children go into effect

ICWA Defense Project praises critical step to enforce federal law (Portland, Oregon, December 12, 2016)—Today, the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ (BIA) regulations on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) went into effect. These comprehensive, and now legally binding,...

Presidential Transition Indian Child Welfare Policy

Biden-Harris Presidential TransitionIndian Child Welfare Policy Statement​ Through a collaboration with stakeholders across Indian Country, we contributed to the Tribal Nations and the 2021 Presidential Transition endorsed by Resolution PDX 20-054 at the 2020 National...

Give a Gift of Membership

Give a Gift of Membership By giving a gift to a friend, family member, or colleague, you will be helping keep families together! NICWA enjoys a broad membership base. From frontline social workers, to legal professionals, children’s advocates, and families who feel...

Cost & Registration

Cost & Registration You’re one step from joining a learning community dedicated to the safety, health, and spiritual strength of Native children. By attending in-person for the 43rd Annual Protecting Our Children Conference held on March 30–April 2, 2025, you will...