NICWA’s trainings provide an unparalleled opportunity to enhance skills and knowledge to better serve Native children and families and re-indigenize child welfare. Immersive, multi-day sessions are designed to offer practical tools and culturally based strategies for child welfare, family support, and community well-being. Held throughout the year, these trainings are available in person, virtually, or directly in your community through sessions tailored to community needs.
For more flexible learning options, NICWA offers self-paced online courses and a robust selection of training curriculums, making it easy to access high-quality, culturally grounded learning anytime. Participants consistently share how rewarding and impactful they find NICWA’s training experiences, highlighting the meaningful insights and actionable strategies gained. Whether attending a training, hosting one locally, or expanding your knowledge through asynchronous learning, NICWA’s programs empower you to make a difference in the lives of Native children and families.
Upcoming Training Institutes
Join us for multi-day trainings held across Indian County and virtually, led by dynamic trainers who are experts in the field of Native child welfare.
Participants receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) accredited by the National Association of Social Workers-Washington State. Registration fees cover workshop sessions, materials, CEUs, and lunch on the first day for in-person trainings.
Attendees are responsible for other meals, lodging, and travel. Trainings may be canceled if minimum registration is not met; in that case, fees will be refunded.

June Training Institute
June 3–5, 2025 | Portland, Oregon
- Positive Indian Parenting
- Working with Substance Abusing Families
Register for Online Courses
NICWA’s online courses offer flexible, self-directed learning designed as manageable modules, culminating in a final exam. Once enrolled, participants have six months to complete the course, providing ample time to balance learning with other commitments. Both courses are approved for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) through the National Association of Social Workers-Washington State.
Introduction to ICWA — $100
This five-module course, including a final exam, takes approximately 4.5 hours to complete and is approved for 4.5 CEUs.
Or register here to pay by check. Registration will be complete once payment is processed.
Working with Substance-Abusing Families — $75
Or register here to pay by check. Registration will be complete once payment is processed.
Training Curriculum

About Positive Indian Parenting

Request a Training
NICWA provides a wide range of training topics to tribal nations and communities. On-site trainings are conducted by experienced NICWA instructors. Bringing a trainer to a community is an effective way to train a larger group of staff and equip them to support the families they work with. Trainings are typically led by one trainer and are billed at $2,500 per day of training, plus a $2,500 travel/prep fee, curriculum costs, shipping, and travel expenses. For more information, please email
Training Topics
Positive Indian Parenting
Our most popular training, Positive Indian Parenting reconnects Native families with traditional child-rearing practices, blending timeless cultural teachings with modern parenting challenges to nurture strong families, preserve traditions, and empower future generations. This three-day train-the-trainer model for Positive Indian Parenting, the culturally responsive curriculum, draws on the strengths of historic Native child-rearing practices, incorporating lessons like storytelling, harmony, and the use of praise. Delivered as a customizable three-day train-the-trainer model, Positive Indian Parenting equips tribal and First Nations child welfare workers and community members to utilize the curriculum to guide Native parents in a culturally specific and meaningful way.
Understanding ICWA
Terminology Note: When referring to Native children protected by the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), we use the term ‘Indian’ to refer to Native children as defined by the law and its application.
This three-day training provides participants with information about the basic legal requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA) and the practice issues involved with ICWA’s implementation. A brief history of U.S. Indian policy as it relates to Indian children and families sets the stage for an examination of the specific provisions of ICWA and practice tips for both tribal and state social workers. Participants will also learn how to successfully integrate other federal and state policies with ICWA—such as the Adoption and Safe Families Act—and support the development of tribal and state agreements and other systems changes to better serve Native families.
Child Protection Teams in Indian Country
For centuries Native communities have valued interdependence and working together to provide protection to the most vulnerable citizens, children. This three-day training provides participants with information about how effective collaboration builds greater support systems for children and families at risk for or currently involved in the child welfare system. When programs work together, wrapping their outreach and services around the family, there is an increase in prevention and opportunity for reunification. Participants will learn about the history of child protection and strategies for developing policies and procedures for a child protection team (CPT) or multi-disciplinary team (MDT) in their community.
Tribal Customary Adoption
This two-day training covers judicial processes for the recognition and certification of customary laws regarding the adoption of children. It sets out a culturally based framework for conducting formal adoptions without the termination of parental rights. The Tribal Customary Adoption training is based on tribal customs and values that can be used by tribal nations to accomplish culturally appropriate permanency for children in tribal child welfare programs.
Cross-Cultural Skills in Indian Child Welfare
Working effectively with Native youth and families in child welfare requires knowledge and information about the history and cultural context of tribal communities. Each tribal nation is diverse in nature, but there are common parallels shared among tribal cultures. Utilizing NICWA’s Relational Worldview Model as a framework, this training will provide guidance on how to build cross-cultural skills and implement culturally responsive services to connect with tribal communities you serve.
Working with Substance-Abusing Families
This multi-day training provides an overview of working with substance-abusing families from both direct service and systems collaboration points of view. Parental substance use disorders are a factor in many child welfare cases. The trainer will discuss how to deal with this issue and how systems collaboration can make successful outcomes possible. A collaborative model that engages child welfare, the courts, and behavioral health providers will be discussed. In this nine-module curriculum, participants will learn five essential roles for working with substance-abusing families and how their work can be accomplished through partnering on the parent’s recovery.
Foundations of Tribal Child Welfare Casework Practice
This training is designed for tribal and First Nations child welfare workers, front line workers, and newer supervisors who are looking to increase their practical skills on the basics of tribal child welfare. The training focuses on the day-to-day duties of tribal child welfare, covering topics covered such as engaging and assessing families using the Relational Worldview Model, best practices for court preparation including writing reports and providing testimony, children and family engagement, utilizing supervision for success in serving families, and basic case management unique to tribal workers. Experienced workers can consider this course a refresher and an update on tribal best practices.